The ISA International Education Group was founded by senior education experts from many of the world’s top international education groups. The expert team comes from prestigious schools in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, China and China Hong Kong, among them are leaders in the education industry who have held key positions such as principals and education directors in schools such as Wesley, Harrow School, Singapore UWC, Chinese International School, and English Schools Foundation.
爱莎国际教育集团由来自世界众多***国际教育集团的资深教育专家创立,专家团队来自英国、美国、澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡、中国内地和中国香港等地的名校,其中有在澳洲卫斯理、哈罗、新加坡 UWC、香港汉基、香港英基等校担任校长和教育总监等关键职务的教育行业领军人。
ISAIEG is committed to establishing the world's top international education, providing students, parents, and teachers from many countries with a multicultural campus environment. At present, ISAIEG has two international schools (ISA Tianhe and ISA Science City), and one ISA Wenhua International Centre (ISA Wenhua Guangzhou Foreign Language School IB Programme, ISA Wenhua International Centre for A Level, Arts and AP). In addition, opening in 2022 are ISA Wuhan School and ISA Liwan School. Among them, the ISA Tianhe was listed in the Hurun Education Top 20 international schools in China 2021.
爱莎致力于为来自众多国家的学生、家长、教师提供多国文化融合的校园环境,打造多国人文、历史相互交融的中西文化交流社区。目前,集团旗下已开设两所外籍人员子女学校(爱莎天河、爱莎科学城)、 爱莎文华国际课程学院(广州外国语学校爱莎文华IB国际课程、爱莎文华国际课程A Level中心、爱莎文华国际课程艺术中心),以及即将于2022年开学的武汉爱莎国际学校和广州荔湾爱莎国际学校。其中,爱莎天河学校荣登2021胡润百学·中国外籍人员子女学校百强Top 20!
In future years, ISA plans to establish a number of international schools in China and abroad to realize a global strategic plan. This will share with families around the world the educational idea of "Holistic education, lifelong learning and cultivating globally cooperation and competitive citizens of the world". ISA is making every effort to build high-quality schools and a diversified education system and accompanying services to provide parents and their children with range of choices of high-quality education services.
ISA Tianhe International School 广州天河爱莎外籍人员子女学校
1. The only international school Located in Zhujiang New Town in Guangzhou CBD.
2. A highly internationalized campus with students from over 40 countries and regions; many are children of senior executives of neighboring consulates, chambers of commerce and multinational enterprises.
3. It is one of the top ten "2020 New InSight School" and one of the “Hurun Education Top 20 International Schools in China”.
ISA Science City International School 广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校
1. The school aims to develop into a "Century-old prestigious school" of international education through 4 Pillars of Academics, Arts, Sports and Community Service
2. Self-owned land of a total construction area of 78,000 square meters with high-quality sports, music, art and science facilities and equipment
3. The first and only K12 International School in China to receive WELL Gold v2 standard; receiving authorization for the IB Diploma Programme in 2021
中国***且***获得建筑界“奥斯卡”之称的WELL v2黄金认证K12国际学校;且于办学不到一年即拿到IB DP授权。
ISA Wenhua Guangzhou Foreign Language School IB Programme 广州外国语学校爱莎文华IB国际课程
1. The first public IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) course in Guangzhou, jointly created by Guangzhou Foreign Languages School and ISA International Education Group. With strong academic atmosphere, Guangzhou Foreign Language School is the top public school in Guangdong province.
办学背景强大,是广州***公立国际IBDP (国际文凭大学预科项目)课程,由广州外国语学校和爱莎国际教育集团强强联合打造;校风好、学术氛围浓厚,广州外国语学校是广东地区***公立学校。
2. Garden-style campus with fully functional classrooms, art rooms and independent learning Spaces;
3. A strong faculty team of a lot of certified examiners with an average of over 14 years of teaching experience, rich IB education experience and dedicated attitude.
ISA Wenhua International Centre for A Level 爱莎文华国际课程学院A Level中心
1. Strong Academic team leading by a Cambridge Doctor as the Principal, the senior Foreign Head of Academics from Top International School in South China, and the academic advisor who used to be the director of international admissions at a UK's top private high school. More than 90% of the teaching staff are masters from prestigious universities at home and abroad. The ratio of Chinese to Foreign Teachers is nearly 1:1.
2. Highly personalized pastoral care. Every student has its own college and Tutor, with all-round humanistic care from house parents, Tutor and subject teachers ;
3. First-class international facilities such as modern library, British-style Grand Theatre, heated swimming pool, football field, indoor sports hall, black-box theatre and design studio, as well as rich extracurricular co-curriculum courses;
4.Providing an inquiry-based, student-centered and Chinese-culture-integrated international curriculum: Cambridge IGCSE and A Level.
提供融合了IB国际课程教育理念以及中国文化与民族特色的IGCSE基础课程和A Level高级课程为主要学术课程
ISA Liwan School (Open in 2022)荔湾爱莎学校(2022年9月开学)
1. We aim to be distinctive, particularly in honouring our host district Lingnan culture. We aim to incorporate special features both within the design of the facility and directly within our learning and social programmes as well.
2. Two principals of ISA Liwan International School and ISA Wenhua Liwan School are both in position. Paul Sebastian has over 17 years of senior management experience and served as principal of IICS school, one of the oldest international schools in the world. Chunlei Li has served in IB education for more than 20 years, awarded Outstanding Principal of Guangdong Private School and Most Influential Principal of China International School. He used to be principal of Guangdong Country Garden School and General Principal of Soochow Foreign Language School.
广州荔湾爱莎外籍人员子女学校和广州荔湾爱莎文华学校的二位校长已就位。Paul Sebastian 校长拥有超过17年的高级管理经验,曾担任世界上历史最悠久的国际学校之一IICS学校校长。李春雷校长从事IB教育20多年, 曾任广东碧桂园学校校长、苏城外国语学校总校长,曾获广东省民办学校优秀校长称号、中国国际学校最具影响力校长称号。
ISA Wuhan International School (Open in 2022)武汉爱莎国际学校(2022年9月开学)
1. Leading by the Principal graduated in Oxbridge, equipped with the world's top teachers, the school will offer IB/A Level/AP/Arts/Sports courses;
牛津剑桥“学霸”校长带队,配备全球***师资,提供IB/A Level/AP/Arts/Sports等多元课程选择;
2. First-class and largest international education programme in Central China; to create a special international education zone integrating multiple cultures. Families in Central China will enjoy more diversified international education choices at their doorstep
3. World-class facilities are designed according to students' learning needs, such as international standard stadium, multi-functional indoor stadium, indoor Olympic standard natatorium, multi-functional theater for 1,000 people, comprehensive library with tens of thousands of books and five-star dormitories, etc.
ISA International Academy 爱莎国际学苑
Besides Schools, ISA International Education Group has also set up the ISA International Academy, providing students with professional and personalized guidance and evaluation to cultivate competitive talents with all-round development through not only diverse and professional quality courses, but also academic training, competition, outdoor exploration, social practice, self-reflection and assessment reports.
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