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商务助理  工作职责1. 协助商务经理及时准备投标/提案/合同/提交文件。
2. 根据需要协助和准备演示和文件,以帮助赢得业务机会。
3. 协助商务经理与设计主管/设计师/顾问紧密合作,按时完成投标/竞争。
4. 协助更新公司和项目资料及设计师简历。
5. 根据需要进行市场调研,客户分析,建议等。
6. 负责维护业务发展和知识管理数据库,如提交文件、项目经验表和演示文稿等。
7. 协助商务经理支持并参加各种活动、研讨会等。岗位要求1. 本科或以上学历,市场、商务等专业优先;
2. 良好的人际交往能力,能够与广泛的内外部人员一起工作
3. 密切关注细节,较强的组织能力
4. 具备良好的英文书面和口头表达能力;
5. 对设计和商业的真正兴趣,跨越行业趋势
6. 熟练掌握Adobe Indesign, Word, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, Excel等软件
7. 有支持项目管理和准备中标标书、建议书和提交文件的经验者优先。工作地点 北京

The HPP Group (**********m) is a ********international architecture and planning practice and operates successfully since 1933. With a team of more than 400 designers and a history of 85 years, HPP continuously ranks among the ****German and International design firms.
HPP’s scope of activities comprises the full architectural services as well as urban planning, interior and landscape design. HPP’s focus is on the realization of office campuses and headquarters, multifunctional complexes, shopping centres, hotels, transportation facilities, residential buildings, sports facilities and stadiums, cultural venues, hospitals, as well as the refurbishment and revitalization of (listed) buildings.
Since 1997 in China, HPP has completed projects such as Shanghai Expo Village 2010, Headquarter of China Petro in Beijing, City Design of Tianjin Haihe Bund, Henkel Asia-Pacific Headquarters (Shanghai Zhangjiang), Shanghai Qingpu Crown Hotel, Chongqing High-Speed Station, Green Valley Project of Post-Expo development, Hunan TV Studio, Greenland Nanjing Complex, Shenzhen North Station D2 Complex, CMB Beijing HQ, Shanghai Taopu Urban Plan, Qingdao German Football Asia Base, Evergrande Opera, Shanghai United Family Clinic, Shanghai Xujiahui Sport Park, Jiangsu TV Theatre, Pudong Soccer Stadium, NDB HQ, Ali Cloud HQ, among others.
The Chinese market is of strategic importance to the HPP’s global growth. HPP will continuously and actively be involved in China for many years to come. Alongside the Shanghai office, the new Beijing subsidiary shows our long-term commitment and guarantees high quality services. Through this network, HPP is able to benefit from local knowledge, ease of availability and good contacts to the most important local contacts.
Position Required (all candidates are required to be responsible - ambitious - talented - team player):